Morning Monday through Friday 7:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Afternoon Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Monday through Friday 7:00 AM – 10:30 AM
by appointment only

High-Risk Pregnancy Exemption

Exemption code: M50

The prescription may be written by your doctor, a free clinic, or the hospital, always specifying: “high-risk pregnancy,” the date of the last period and the cause of the risk.

There is a maximum of 8 tests for each prescription.

Le prestazioni prescrivibili sono, oltre quelle della low-risk pregnancies, required tests will include the ones necessary to monitor the development of the pregnancy in relation to the risk assessed. 

For example, if the risk factor is the advanced age of the mother, the Cytomegalovirus test will not be tax exempt as it is not related to the risk.

For high-risk pregnancy the same directive measures as in low-risk pregnancies apply:

Blood group testing is carried out only at the hospital

Coombs test is carried out only if the woman is RH negative

Unless related to the high-risk factor, after the first visit Toxoplasma IgG and IgM will be exempt if your doctor specifies “previous toxo negative”.

Urine test (unless related to a high-risk factor) is tax exempt only if your doctor specifies “significant bacteriuria” in the prescription.

For Thalassemia screening during a high-risk pregnancy click here

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